“Fling” or “Real Thing”?



Are you treating your career like a "fling" or the "real thing"?

Are you just being casual, not putting in any effort, only going through the motions?

Are you only in it because you haven't got the energy or motivation to have something you really want?


It's probably not often you hear of careers being compared to relationships! When you think about it, the two are similar and run parallels.

"Whaaaat…..?", you say.

Let me explain.


"Fling" careers offer instant gratification. Things like money, ego boost, people pleasing, or it was something to pass the time till something else came along. "Fling" careers can be fun, you meet new people, maybe learn new skills but in the back of your mind, it's a stopgap. The job serves a purpose,  but the days skim by, only to leave you with the thought that there could be more. 

Eventually, the instant gratification starts to loose its fizzle! It becomes mundane, an effort and lack luster. The "fling" has run it's course and once again you are on the look out for a new instant gratification. The cycle continues.  Nothing wrong with this, although quite often we can be left feeling empty, shallow and unfulfilled.

This is when possibly, we might start to feel a bit down, lose the spring in our step, speak and act negatively about ourselves and others. It can affect relationships at home and with friends, because deep down you know you are not honoring yourself and your full potential. Time is slipping by.


Deep down you really want a "real thing" career, but fear, self doubt or other people's influences are holding you in that "fling" cycle.

A "real thing" career has purpose. It's the career where you feel alive, happy, committed and in it for the long haul, for better or worse. It is aligned with who you are as a person, shares your values, it brings you joy and gives you the opportunity to grow personally and professionally. 

Having this "real thing" career may be challenging, you may be tested mentally and physically, it may require courage, conviction and perseverance to get  "the one".


Why do it?


Unbelievable gain that you never would have thought possible.  Yes this may be in the form of money, but you realize that this is the bonus of stepping up, overcoming fear and going for a "real thing" career. The real gain is how you feel about yourself, the legacy you are leaving and the example you are setting. 

Just like "fling" careers, "real thing" careers can also be fun, you might meet new people, maybe learn new skills but in the back of your mind, it's NOT a stopgap. It's the path that you knew you were supposed to be on, but had been too afraid or felt it was too hard to take. 


Once you have actually made up your mind to go for it, to have that "real thing" career, you are unstoppable. A switch comes on inside that lights your fire, filling your entire being, you feel the passion to your core. No "fling" career could do this!


Personally I have had both types of careers. Sometimes even running at the same time, having a "fling" career, so I can achieve my goal of a "real thing" career. They both have worth. What type of career are you in now, "fling" or "real thing"?

My thought to you is, if you were told tomorrow that you did not have long to live, would you have regrets that you had not gone for the "real thing" career. Is there something deep down you want to achieve? Is there something you know you would love to do? Or maybe you don't know yet what it is, but want to find out.


You deserve to have the best life possible, it's up to you to give it a go, don't wait, as your time is finite.


Want to have your "real thing" career? Email me now, for a complimentary discovery session.

Don't waste any more time. I have limited coaching spots available for new clients and I would love you to be one of them. 

Email me now, 

You can do this!



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