What’s your Word?


Happy New Year, 2015!

What's going to make this year different? 

Do you start each year thinking I want things to change, but somehow 12 months slip

by and things are the exactly same as when you started in January.




Hmmmmm, anyone else guilty of this…..?

How can you make this the year, that by December, you can have different results

for the better?


The answer is, having a "word" for the year.  Meaning, one word that every time you

do something at home or at work, you think about that word and how you can action it.

The word becomes like a conscience on your shoulder day in and day out.


If you are 100% deliriously happy, successful and fulfilled in every part of your life then

don't continue reading.


However I am sure that if you are like me, and most mere mortals, this is not the case. 


So what do I mean by a "word"? Well, for me, this year my "word" is CHANGE,

so every time I go to do something in my normal routine, I think, how can I change

this to be better, more streamlined, out of my comfort zone, push me further,

get different and greater results. 


For example, I have been known to have a little problem with making decisions….

I procrastinate…agonise…. worry…think some more….ask advice… put off and put off, etc etc.

Compounding the agony more and more. Making the decision way more painful than

it needs to be. Let's just say, I can agonise over whether to read the junk mail or not,

so you can see my dilema! 


However, 2015 my new "word", CHANGE, I have restructured this process. Now,

every time I am faced with a decision, I am just going to decide then and there.

Be brutally decisive! Ok, the exception is, if it's a decision that carries substantial weight,  

that requires more input and research, then I set myself a time limit of when I will be

making that decision and stick to this limit.


Imagine your "word" is like having an elastic band around your wrist, so that instead

of blindly going ahead with your same old routine you ping the elastic on your wrist.

The sting from the ping (lol), makes you remember your word and for a moment stop

to think about how you could do things differently.


Now your "word" might be, action, abundance, forgiveness, health, joy, love, gratitude,

whatever you think is the word that will see you through the year so you have better,

brighter and different results.


Keep a diary of the differences you notice week by week, so by Dec 2015 you can

say this year has been the best year ever, and guess what….YOU made it happen!


What's you word going to be?


Need help? Contact me on the contact page and we can set up a complimentary session

to get you started for the year!




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